Seachtain na Gaeilge
Bhí ceolchoirm thar barr agus céilí iontach againn le gach rang ag canadh agus ag rince chun Seachtain na Gaeilge agus Lá Fhéile Padráig a cheiliúradh. ☘️ ☘️ ☘️
Literacy Week
It’s Literacy Week in St. Raphaela’s with a range of literacy activities throughout the school from book exchanges, reading buddies, storytime, book reviews and much more!!! We have our Scholastic BOOK FAIR open Monday-Friday’s for purchasing books from 8:30-9:15 am.
RTÉ News2day
There was great excitement in 6th classes this week with RTÉ News2day reporting a news broadcast on their fantastic work in their Junior Entrepreneur Projects. Keep an eye out for us on TV soon at RTÉ News2day. Ms.Crowley’s 6th class are developing their class company…
Intel Grand Final
Huge congratulations to our 6th class student Manasvini who came runner up in the Intel Mini Scientist Grand Final with her project SLABS, which took place yesterday in Maynooth University. What an achievement – well done Manasvini!
Alice in Wonderland
Fantastic performances by our 5th classes this week with their productions of Alice in Wonderland. Fantastic singing and acting by our students. We hope all families and friends enjoy the shows. A big thank you to our wonderful drama teacher Ms. Mc Coy for all…
Santa is Here
We had a very special visitor today in school all the way from the North Pole. All classes got to visit and enjoyed festive treats. Merry Christmas!
Intel Mini Scientist
We are delighted to announce that St. Raphaela’s Primary School 6th Class Student Manasvini Rudraki has made it all the way through to the Grand Final of the Intel Mini Scientist Competition. Manasvini’s is one of the 18 projects which was selected at the recent…
Nativity Productions
Ms Crowley’s and Ms Halpenny’s Senior Infants are wonderful in their Nativity Productions. This is their first drama performance and a big congratulations to every student for their wonderful singing and acting. A big thank you to Ms. Mc Coy, our fantastic drama teacher, for…
Maths Masters Quiz
Our 6th class Maths Team made us very proud as they represented the school in St. Attracta’s Senior School on December 1st for the Maths Masters Quiz 2022. Well done girls!!!
Oíche Shamhna
Oíche Shamhna Shona Daoibh go léir. We had a wonderful Halloween Disco with 3rd – 6th classes last night and a great Junior Disco with infants to 2nd classes today. A big thank you to our wonderful PA, volunteers and Djs for creating such wonderful…