Pupil Voice and Pupil Ownership are vital in St Raphaela’s Primary School
Our Student Council is made up of representatives from Junior Infants to 6th class. They have presented a number of requests that have been brought to both Staff Meetings and Board of Management.
Some of the ways we have improved school life in 2023 include:
- St.Raphaela’s Soccer Team.
- Yard Play Equipment.
- Requested Funding for more diverse and inclusive books in our School Library.
- Multi- Cultural Week which is planned for Term 3.
- Student Council Badge; designed by Rebecca, 5th class.
A Student Council is a medium which helps to ensure all pupils’ voices are heard. Every class in the school has two representatives on the student council and they have the opportunity to bring the concerns, needs and voices of their fellow pupils to other school decision makers.
The student council are avid fundraisers and help our school engage fully in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.