Our School Uniform Consists of the following items:
- A white and yellow gingham blouse with a “Peter Pan” collar
- Green skirt or pinafore
- Green school jumper with the school crest
- Green tights or socks
- Black school shoes (T-bar supportive shoes recommended)
- The green school coat (With or without crest)
Each of the items are available from the school uniform provider.
Please make sure each part of your daughter’s uniform has her name clearly written on it with a fabric marker.
Our school tracksuit is also green with a white polo t-shirt. Children should wear runners on their designated P.E. days only.
Our school uniform supplier is
The Schoolwear House, Unit D7, Ballymount Cross Industrial Estate Ballymount, Dublin 24.
Tel. 01 292 1540. www.schoolwearhouse.ie

Visit Our Swap Shop
Please remember we have a uniform “Swap Shop” which has many jumpers, skirts and school coats available for swapping or buying (€5 per item)