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Active Flag Achievement

We are delighted to have been awarded our first Active School Flag in May 2023.  

The Active School Flag (ASF) initiative is a Department of Education and Skills initiative (DES) supported by Healthy Ireland (HI) which aims to get more schools, more active, more often. It ties in with all the work we do all year long on healthy living, such as being active, exercising, and taking care of our bodies and minds. It is awarded to schools that strive to achieve a physically educated and physically active school community.Visit this page for additional details about the Active Schools Initiative. 

The application process involved a self-evaluation of our current Physical Education Programme. We have been surveying our pupils and parents how we can encourage physical activity during our school day, and we are also creating partnerships within our community so that the pupils of St Raphaela’s can pursue healthy physical activities outside school hours.

Our Aim:

As a School our overall objective is to create an environment and opportunities so that children within our care complete 60 minutes of activity every day!

To launch our campaign, we asked all our pupils to get involved and create a poster and slogan that can be used throughout the school, the participation from the pupils was outstanding.

Our Active School slogan was created by Sofia W. , Senior Infants

Move your feet…. make your heart beat!

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